Posted Sep 16, 2014 in Breast Augmentation
My 6 Rules for a successful Breast Augmentation:
1. It’s all about you and nobody else.
It is sad but true that celebrities, the media and the Internet have skewed our perceptions of the ideal pair of breasts. But what may appear to be perfect on a celebrity is not necessarily perfect for you. Everyone is different and it is important that you undergo the procedure that best suits you. So remember this one simple rule: It’s about you and nobody else.
2. Size does matter
Size really does matter and in this case big is not better. Big breast implants are more likely to lead to complications and will cause more revision surgery in the long run. The single most important factor is that your breast implant matches your chest size and dimensions. Many of the complications we see are as a result of the incorrect size of implant being placed during the initial surgery. The most common breast augmentation complication is capsular contracture, which causes the breasts to harden and deform and can sometimes necessitate permanent removal of the implant. Larger implants have a greater potential to cause capsular contractures than smaller implants. So remember, size does matter!
3. Silicone is fabulous
There was a time when the use of silicone in breast implants was banned in the United States due to unfounded claims that silicone caused certain illnesses. This led to the common use of saline implants, which were thought to be safer. The ban on silicone was lifted in 2007 when it was proven, without doubt, that silicone implants do not cause any illnesses whatsoever. No ban on silicone was ever imposed in South Africa, allowing South African surgeons to gain exceptional experience with this material. It is interesting to note that many American plastic surgeons are now converting their practices to using silicone implants instead of saline. This is because silicone looks more natural, ripples less and is less prone to mechanical failure.
4. Cut under the breast or under the nipple and nowhere else
Two of the most dreaded complications of breast augmentation is implant asymmetry and infection. While breasts are by nature never perfectly symmetrical, implants can move around and become badly displaced if the surgeon does not accurately make the pocket they are placed in. The most effective way of ensuring that pockets are made correctly is by gaining access with an incision just under the nipple or just under the breast. Certain television programmes show access being gained through the belly button in order to reduce scarring. However, this is with the use of saline implants and there may be a risk of asymmetry, as it is much harder for the pockets to be accurately made. Few surgeons will perform surgery this way. When one considers that the 4cm scars under the nipples or breast heal inconspicuously, is it worth the risk to go through the belly button??
5. Under the muscle or on top of the muscle? Let your surgeon decide
Every woman is unique and your surgery will be unique to you. Plastic surgeons know the rules when it comes to implant placement and with modern implants we are able to achieve better results with fewer complications. Your plastic surgeon will determine where to put your implant depending on your preferences and what is best for you.
6. Round is reliable
A fairly recent development in breast augmentation is the use of anatomical implants or teardrop shaped implants. These were originally designed for use in breast reconstruction. Certain plastic surgeons do use anatomical implants in breast augmentation but not without risk. For example, if the implants rotates, the breasts will look considerably deformed and this can be a very difficult problem to correct. I reserve the use of anatomical implants for breast reconstruction and in certain very specific cases. Round implants have worked for many years with great success, so I would avoid the additional risk posed by alternative implants unless it is absolutely necessary.